Website Maintenance & CMS

Website Maintenance & CMS

  • Theme Maintenance
  • Content Updates
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Updates
  • Backups
  • Analytics
  • SEO

keeping your website engaging and optimized

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Why is Website Maintenance Important?

Your website is the digital front door to your business, and should be at the forefront of your online marketing efforts. Regardless of your industry or size of your company, regular upkeep of your website is key to your ongoing business success.

Website maintenance can safeguard your site from hackers and other security breaches, boost your search rankings, and provide visitors with dynamic content that will persuade them to return for future visits. ADMEN offers a variety of website maintenance plans that will ensure your site evolves to meet the changing needs of your customers and keep your site running smoothly.

46% of customers will not revisit poorly performed websites

What Results Can You Expect When You Partner with Admen?

  • Functional and reliable website interactivity
  • Access to an online helpdesk
  • Website security will increase site visitor trust
  • Updates to meet your site’s content needs
  • Enhanced SEO and better search rankings
  • Site improvements based on customer feedback
  • More sales as a result of e-commerce specials
  • Assurance that your website evolves as customer demand changes

Site Maintenance and Updates to Increase Loyalty and Trust

Improve Your Page Speed and Load Time

Improve Your Page Speed and Load Time

Users’ experience with your website can have a huge impact on your business’s success. If pages are difficult to navigate or it’s burdensome to make a purchase, you’ll likely lose potential customers for good.

Plus, if Google notices an increase in bounce rates, it will view that as an indication that your site isn’t relevant or useful. Search rankings will plummet as a result.

ADMEN will review your site for possible technical problems and correct them. Our trained staff will also make necessary changes to your website design and structure to improve its navigation flow.

Repair Security Issues

Repair Security Issues

Site security threats are a real threat for online businesses. Hackers are becoming more adept at breaching unprotected sites. Customers’ data is at risk of being stolen if businesses fail to address security vulnerabilities, and that could mean irreparable damage to consumer trust. It’s also more expensive to fix damages than to prevent them. Regular website maintenance will ensure that software patches are installed and that all security updates are performed

Update Content on Current Pages

Update Content on Current Pages

Regular website maintenance includes updating content to keep your site relevant. Outdated information can quickly influence a site visitor to deem your content - and your business - untrustworthy. It’s easy to forget to update content if you’re not regularly monitoring your site, and careless errors could cause you to lose existing and potential customers.

And updating content includes more than making text adjustments. You can refresh current content by adding images and enhanced descriptions of your products and services. ADMEN will recommend and install content upgrades to help your site perform better on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Content Development
Add New Pages, Blog, & Articles

Add New Pages, Blog, & Articles

Adding pages, blogs, and articles to your website keeps it fresh - another factor Google considers when determining rankings. Consumers need a reason to keep returning to your site - even when they’re not in purchase mode. There’s too much competition to rely on past purchases to predict future behavior. Fresh content helps your site stand apart from others in your industry.

Personalized Content
Update Social Media Content

Update Social Media Content

Fresh content and social media are interrelated. When you add relevant and useful information to your website, you can promote it and expand upon it on social media pages. Although there was originally some doubt as to whether Google factors social media referrals into their ranking algorithm, the world’s largest search engine has now made it clear that social clicks and shares indicate that your site is attracting attention and is a valuable resource.

ADMEN will update your social media accounts to coordinate with and promote new content on your website, ultimately strengthening the ability of social media to attract more site visitors.



Ask us anything

How often should I update my website?

There’s not one clear answer to this question. Security and navigation should be maintained and updated regularly - monthly or even weekly - but branding and content updates may be necessary due to situational reasons, such as:

  • Your customers’ needs have changed
  • Competitive activity
  • You’re not seeing enough traffic
  • There’s a trending topic relevant to your business
  • After launching a new site and gauging visitor response for a short period of time
  • Your messaging isn’t as clear or effective as it needs to be

What is a CMS?

A CMS is a content management system. It’s software that’s used to create and manage content on a website without having to know about coding or have advanced technical knowledge. The interface is generally easy to use or learn and is how most people add menus, pages, images, and other content to their website.

Some well-known content management systems include Wordpress.org, Joomla, Drupal, Squarespace, Wix, and Magento for e-commerce.

When should I consider changing my CMS?

It may be time to consider a new CMS if:

  • It’s technologically outdated
  • It’s difficult to use
  • There’s little flexibility
  • It doesn’t integrate well with other marketing tools
  • It’s lacking in mobile support
  • It delivers a poorly structured website for your visitors and customers

If your CMS isn’t flexible and user-friendly, it will directly impact your ability to create and publish content that will help you to attract and hold onto customers.

How does a CMS impact SEO?

Your CMS will dictate how your site will be viewed on the internet. Technical elements that don’t work properly - like slow loading speeds, broken links, duplicate pages, or pages that shouldn’t be crawled can be corrected if you have a reliable CMS. Add-ons (either called plugins or modules, depending on the CMS) are built in to help avoid or fix these technical SEO issues.

SEO is also impacted by URLs, title tags, alt tags, meta descriptions, and headings, and you must know how to modify these in your CMS to produce a better SEO outcome.

Ultimately, an effective CMS can make a big difference when search engines like Google evaluate and rank your website.

How are website maintenance costs determined?

Website maintenance costs are largely determined by the type of site you host. Pricing will be much lower for personal blogs versus company websites. And more complex sites with advanced functionality (e-commerce, for example) will require more effort to maintain.

The CMS you use will also factor into the cost of website maintenance since some platforms offer all-in-one packages that include general maintenance. However, most of these all-in-one platforms don’t offer the kind of flexibility you may need in a CMS. There’s always a tradeoff.

If you have questions about the pricing strategy of our maintenance packages, please contact us for more information. We’ll be happy to help you find the maintenance plan that’s best suited for your site.